It is estimated millions of people in the UK will become infected with COVID. Up to 100 000 COVID patients will be hospitalised during this pandemic, two thirds will be discharged from hospital and the government estimate that around 45% will require some support at home. Survivors of critical illness experience significant sequelae in terms of respiratory and general health. The long-term sequelae of COVID-19 is a key area for research (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control). Rehabilitation programmes can be used as an important part of a patient post COVID infection recovery.
Delivering the rehabilitation programmes require face-to-face access to already over-stretched rehabilitation programmes both of which are significant barriers in the current context of the Pandemic. As a result, there are likely to be many COVID patients discharged home with minimal support. We carried out a brief telephone survey with clinicians at 5 local hospitals who confirmed rehabilitation support for discharged COVID patients as an urgent unmet need.
Our app-based programme of home rehabilitation Fit 4 Surgery has been tailored to COVID-19 through iterative workshops with physiotherapists and clinicians removing surgery specific elements , adding COVID 19 specific guidance whilst maintaining the underlying core of pulmonary rehabilitation exercises.